For Developers

It’s easy to get involved with the CODAP Community.

Contribute Code

Write a CODAP Plugin using our Plugin API. Here are some examples of plugins to give a sense of what can be done. Get started with this tutorial.

Read our contributing docs on the CODAP Wiki.

Open an issue or pull request on our GitHub repository. We have adopted the Contributor Covenant as our code of conduct.

Getting Involved

But you don’t have to contribute code to be part of our open-source community. You can pitch in with the following contributions:

Join One of Our Meetups

If you like organizing events, help plan or attend one of our Data Science Education Meetups.

Participate in a webinar

Would you like to learn more about data science education? Participate in a webinar.

Help New Users

Do you like helping people or answering questions? Answer questions on the CODAP Forum.

Provide Feedback

Suggest new layouts to improve CODAP’s usability. Conduct user research to improve our design. Contact us or connect on our forum to get involved.

Develop Activities

If you like creating classroom activities, you can embed CODAP in web pages to develop curriculum for classroom use. See our Examples of Embedded Data Analysis. Not sure how to get started? Visit our Help Forums today!

Help People Code

Review code on other people’s GitHub submissions.

Write tutorials for how a CODAP Plugin can be used.

Contribute to our CODAP Wiki on GitHub.