Hi Michelle,
Great suggestions. You inspired me to look carefully at the options offered by Leaflet, the library underlying CODAP’s map tool. I found ‘worldJump,’ which, when set to true, does part of what you describe. Namely, when you scroll the map horizontally far enough, say to the right, the map wraps and you start seeing points on the left that you had previously scrolled off to the right. This options lessens the likelihood that you’ll get “lost” and be unable to find your data. (Though note that the Rescale button at the top of the map’s tool palette scales the map so that all the data is visible.) Expect to see this enhancement in an upcoming release, perhaps 0412.
Unfortunately, the worldJump option still only allows you to see “one world” at a time, so you can still only see half the ring of fire at once. To help with this, consider using a formula for Longitude such as
if(Longitude_< cutPoint, 360+Longitude_, Longitude_)
where Longitude_ is the original longitude, and cutPoint is the value of a slider. Here is your example modified to include a cutPoint slider.
I’ll have to think a bit more about how hard it would be for us to force map points to automatically plot in whatever world is showing. It seems like it might not be too hard.
So, thanks for your excellent suggestions! You are helping to make CODAP a better educational platform.