April 22, 2021 at 4:48 pm

Thanks for the questions.
- There is no way to import multiple sheets from excel at the same time. If you use Numbers instead of Excel, there is a shortcut for doing the importing that you may find helpful. Select the cells in a given sheet. Press the mouse down and, after a brief pause, drag from Numbers into the CODAP document and release. This is supposed to work in Excel, but I tried just now with Excel on my Mac and couldn’t get it to work. If you’re using Excel on Windows you may have better luck. If so, then this at least eliminates the exporting step.
- Regarding interpolation, CODAP doesn’t have a particular function for this. But I could imagine cobbling something together making use of the prev and next functions as in
if(value=””,(prev(value)+next(value))/2, value)
but that’s certainly not very general purpose.