Reply To: Issue with Drag-and-Drop CSV in “Getting Started with CODAP, Part 1”


Hello Jonathan,

I may have misunderstood the temporary fix you mentioned. When I now visit the CODAP tutorials page here, and then launch the Getting Started in CODAP Part 1, we’re still encountering the same drag-and-drop issue.

I understand that this issue was caused by a fall Chrome update, but we’re eager to implement the fix you mentioned. The teachers I am working with report that students are encountering this broken Step 1 of Part 1, and then giving up on CODAP entirely (or proceeding with unnecessary cognitive load that reinforces stereotype threats).

Your post above mentions “by starting at the point where the document is already loaded and omitting the first task.” Could you please point me to this revised “getting started” example/file?

Much appreciated, -Nick