Reply To: Importing Google CSV File – 403 error

Dan Damelin

Unfortunately Google Drive does not provide you a direct link to the csv file, so CODAP can’t import using the share URL Google Drive provides.

If you could post to a server that provides public, web-accessible, direct URLs to files then what you are trying to do would work.

Other options using Google Drive:

  1. On a Google Sheet you can use File->Share->Publish to web. Then the URL you get from that can be given to students which, when clicked on, will initiate a download of a CSV automatically. Then this can be dragged into CODAP. It eliminates one step from them having to download manually.
  2. You can copy and paste data from a Google Sheet into CODAP. Give them a link to a Google Sheet. Have them select all (command-a or control-a). Then open CODAP and click the Tables button and choose “–new from clipboard–“

Hope that helps.