March 26, 2019 at 8:47 pm
Hello William,
The short answer is that I am not sure why you are getting some of these errors, I don’t think they necessarily indicate a problem.
* The first error, “codap-config.js” not found, is, unfortunately, normal. This is a file used to customize a production configuration, and is not used in the development environment, and not present. Its absence does not cause any harm, except for the warning.
* The next two warnings about react method being deprecated comes apparently from a library that is included in codap-lib-bundle.js. I do not see these warnings on my machine (Mac running latest OS-X). In any case they are warnings about future removal, so they should not affect current libraries.
* The next warning and two errors concern the manifest. They are new to me. I will look into them, but as the manifest is only informative in CODAP’s current implementation, they should not affect things.
* We are down to the last error: “Access to XMLHttpRequest …has been blocked.”: This is the error that causes the dialog “Unable to load Parachute Model” to come up. This is a CORS error that is occurring because the development instance comes from an HTTP only server. The examples files come from the CODAP server which was recently made to enforce an HTTPS-only policy. This is an unfortunate change for developers, but we have to live with it. One thing to do is to save example CODAP documents on your local file system, and simply drag the files into the CODAP workspace when you need them.
I am sorry that you encountered these warnings and errors, but I do think you have successfully set up the development environment.