Telling Stories with Story Builder

Here is a video to take you on a tour.

Story Builder lets you capture moments as you work with CODAP. You can put these moments together to tell a story to others about an investigation or even to yourself as a reminder of what you were thinking and doing.

Quick Start

Here you can see all the parts of Story Builder.

Knowing just this much, you can get pretty far using the Story Builder to make a story you can share with others either as a presentation or as a linked CODAP document. Watch the video tour for more details.


Story Builder was created by Tim Erickson, Bill Finzer and Michelle Wilkerson with help from Michael Tirenin, Jonathan Sandoe and members of the Story Builder team.

The development of Story Builder was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-1900606. This project is a collaboration between UC Berkeley, North Carolina State University, and The Concord Consortium. Any findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, UC Berkeley, NCSU or The Concord Consortium.