I was trying to create a Text component through the data interactive API. I sent a request like this: https://pastebin.com/mZ2ESUi6. It did create a new text view, but it did not contain any text.
I also tried to update the text view with a request like this: https://pastebin.com/4BbhWY4m. This also leaves the text view empty. If the text view previously had text in it, it would get cleared by the update.
How do I create and update text components through the API? Thanks in advance!
I investigated a little farther and I found that, weirdly, creating a Text Component doesn’t work for plain text, but update does. For example, the following message:
{ “action”: “update”, “resource”: “component[name]”, “values”: { “text”: “This is some text” } }
I will log a bug about create/textComponent, but you can create, then immediately update as a workaround.