CODAP Publications


Research publications featuring CODAP

Read a diverse selection of researcher and practitioner publications featuring CODAP.

Biehler, R., Fleischer, Y., Budde, L., Frischemeier, D., Gerstenberger, D., Podworny, S., & Schulte, C. (2020). Data science education in secondary schools: Teaching and learning decision trees with CODAP and Jupyter Notebooks as an example of integrating machine learning into statistics education. In New Skills in the Changing World of Statistics Education Proceedings of the Roundtable conference of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE). ISI/IASE, Voorborg, The Netherlands.

Biehler, R., & Fleisher, Y. (2021). Introducing students to machine learning with decision trees using CODAP and Jupyter Notebooks. Teaching Statistics, 43(S1), pp. S133-S142. 

Budde, L., Frischemeier, D., Biehler, R., Fleischer, Y., Gerstenberger, D., Podworny, S., & Schulte, C. (2020). Data Science Education in Secondary School: How to Develop Statistical Reasoning When Exploring Data Using CODAP. IASE Roundtable.

Engel, J. (2018). Exploring civic statistics with CODAP. In P. Kovács (Ed.), Proceedings of Challenges and Innovations in Statistics Education Multiplier Conference of ProCivicStat. 

Erickson, T., Wilkerson, M., Finzer, W., & Reichsman, F. (2019). Data moves. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 12(1). 

Frischemeier, D., Biehler, R., Podworny, S., & Budde, L. (2021). A first introduction to data science education in secondary schools: Teaching and learning about data exploration with CODAP using survey data. Teaching Statistics, 43, S182-S189. 

Haldar, L. C., Wong, N., Heller, J. I., & Konold, C. (2018). Students making sense of multi-level data. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 11(1). 

Harvey, M., Mokros, J., Sagrans, J., & Voyer, C. (2020). What makes them tick? Middle school data science explorations of ticks and Lyme disease. Connected Science Learning, 2(3). 

Higgins, T., Mokros, J., Rubin, A., & Sagrans, J. (2023). Students’ approaches to exploring relationships between categorical variables. Teaching Statistics, 45(S1), pp. S52-S66.  

Hudson, R. A., Mojica, G. F., Lee, H. S., & Casey, S. (2024). Data moves as a focusing lens for learning to teach with CODAP. Computers in the Schools, 1–26.

Mojica, G. F., Barker, H., & Azmy, C. N. (2019). Instrumented learning in a CODAP-enabled learning environment. In J. M. Contreras, M. M. Gea, M. M. López-Martín, & E. Molina-Portillo (Eds.), Proceedings of the III International Virtual Congress on Statistical Education. 

Mokros, J., Rubin, A., Sagrans, J., & Higgins, T. (2023). Curating datasets to support middle school student inquiry. In E. M. Jones (Ed.), Fostering Learning of Statistics and Data Science: Proceedings of the Satellite Conference of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE).  

Nicholson, J., & Ridgway, J. (2024). New viruses are inevitable; pandemics are optional—Lessons for and from statistics. Teaching Statistics. 

Noyce, P., Mokros, J., Martin, L., & Sagrans, J. (2022). Integrating technology and narrative to engage young adolescents with COVID data. In S. A. Peters, L. Zapata-Cardona, F. Bonafini, & A. Fan (Eds.), Bridging the Gap: Empowering & Educating Today’s Learners in Statistics. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS11 2022), Rosario, Argentina. International Association for Statistical Education. 

Sagrans, J., Mokros, J., Voyer, C., Sagrans, J., & Harvey, M. (2022, Jan/Feb). Data science meets science teaching. The Science Teacher.