accessing lots of boundary objects through plugin API causes stringify error

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  • #6521 Score: 0
    Thomas Castleman
    3 pts

    To reproduce:

    1. Create a case table that has several cases (~30 or so).

    2. Add an attribute and set its formula to US_county_boundaries (not a lookup, just the value itself).

    3. Try to access all cases of the table through the plugin API.

    This causes a RangeError: Invalid string length, which seems to come from the call to JSON.stringify in doCommand in data_interactive_phone_handler.js when the response to be sent back is logged. From looking online this appears to happen when the argument to JSON.stringify is really large, which it would be in this case (since our table contains multiple copies of many boundary objects).

    Jonathan Sandoe

    Hello Thomas,

    I know this doesn’t sound credible, in the several years that the boundary values have been present in CODAP it never occurred to me to try using a boundary variable outside the boundary lookup context. I am a bit surprised it didn’t break more things. Clearly this is a problem. I will file a bug.

    Thank you for reporting this issue, Thomas.


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