

Our mission is to empower all students to learn using data

CODAP is free educational software for data analysis and visualization.


CODAP is (and always will be) free

CODAP is open source software, offered to you at no cost. You don’t need to purchase a license to use CODAP in a school, home, library, or anywhere else.

CODAP does not collect user data

CODAP does not require an account or login, so you don’t have to worry about student privacy. We don’t store any personal information!

CODAP is designed for learning

CODAP continues the tradition of award-winning software and builds on a decades-long legacy of research into interactive environments that encourage inquiry and exploration. CODAP has been awarded a Research-Based Design Product Certification from Digital Promise.

CODAP speaks many languages

Thanks to the contributions of our community members, CODAP has been translated into 15 languages. Now you can explore data in the language of your choice. Or you can add a language!

Meet the CODAP team

CODAP is a free, open-source, web-based app developed and improved for over a decade by dozens of software engineers, QA testers, bug finders and fixers, and others who are part of our growing community.

Bill Finzer has been leading the development of CODAP for over ten years and has been a data nerd for decades.

Dan Damelin has been a significant contributor since the start, co-leading CODAP and directing a variety of projects that have integrated CODAP. He has led numerous professional development workshops, helping educators and curriculum developers join the data revolution!

Zac Opps is helping us spread the word and reaching out to the community as we continue to build an open-source ecosystem of educators, researchers, and developers.

Lead code developers include Kirk Swenson and Jonathan Sandoe, who have taken ideas and made them into code. Evangeline Ireland tested thousands of lines of code over the years as the main QA tester.

Additional significant contributions have been made by Ethan McElroy, Piotr Janik, Teale Fristoe, and Evangeline Ireland. See the GitHub repo for a full list of contributors. We are grateful to the dozens of research partners and other contributors of code, ideas, and design directions.

Thanks to our generous funders

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under several grants and by generous personal donations. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funders.