Reply To: Human Development Data


I’ve been noticing that the data in the Human Development sample data set has some zero values for “population in millions” for some of the smallest nations (this is the case for 6 of the nations). I wanted to go back and fill in population data out to 2 decimal points of precision for this attribute. However, as I began looking up population totals for countries in 2015, I started finding values inconsistent with the UN data. I went back to the UN report and it looks like the population totals are from 2014 and expressed in millions out to one decimal point of precision:   So I looked for sources of data on total population for 2014 expressed to a higher level of precision for each nation. When I did this I still found inconsistencies with the UN data. So I thought I’d flag this for others in case it comes up in their work. If anyone has the total population data used in the 2015 UN Report but expressed to a greater level of precision so that the smallest nations don’t show up as zeros, I’d be interested in getting my hands on it!