Hello Mary,
I am glad you were able to guess your way through some of my instructions. BTW, there are videos on our “help” website that may remove some of the guesswork. It sounds like the “syntax error” is the main roadblock. This could be caused by unbalanced parentheses. Since you may need to modify the document as you use it with students it will be really important for you to feel comfortable with formulas, and specifically the “if” function. If you work with spreadsheets, you may know there is an “if” function there as well. It is very similar. The condition is the first argument. The second argument is the value if the condition is true. The third argument is the value if false. These can be compounded. The second or third argument could themselves contain if functions.
I suggest you start simple. Replace the formula with a simple if function, like ‘if(temp<100, “cool”, “hot”)’. That will put “hot” or “cold” in each cell of the column. Then you can complete the rest of the procedure I outlined. If that works you can modify the formula by wrapping the function in more ‘if’ functions, making sure to balance the parentheses.
Hope this helps.