Reply To: combining two categorical response types

Jonathan Sandoe

Dan’s response is exactly right if your goal really is to create a parallel attribute with “little or none” set if “original_attr” had a value of “little” or “none” and the original value otherwise.

If you don’t mind altering the original attribute, then you can accomplish it in place quite easily without a formula. This technique makes use of CODAP’s dynamic grouping capability. To do this you would open the Case Table. You will see a blank region on the left side of the leftmost table. Drag the column header, “original_attr”, to the left over to this blank area and drop it. This should create a new parent collection containing just the unique values in “original_attr”. Edit the cell that contains “little” and the cell that contains “none” to have the value “little or none”. Then simple drag “original_attr” back to its original position in the case table. The parent group should go away and all the values that were “little” or “none” will have the alteration.

Jonathan Sandoe