Confidence Intervals for population mean

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    Is there a way to calculate t – intervals for population means from one sample? I suspect I could try using the sampler to resample a distribution and select the cutoffs for the middle 95%. But I am checking to see if there are any shortcuts.I have been using CODAP in my statistics classes for several years now. I usually have students use R or graphing calculators for inferential statistics. I was an avid fan of Fathom during its heyday and before that, I used DataDesk in my classes. 

    Bill Finzer

    Hello Fathom fan,

    It’s great to hear that you’re using CODAP in your statistics classes, and too bad CODAP hasn‚Äôt been terribly good for classical inferential statistics.But that has been remedied! Go to Tim Erickson’s where, near the bottom, you will find his Testimate plugin. Add this plugin to your document and you’ll find it handles all the inferential stats computations you need for teaching intro stats. (We’ll soon make this a built in plugin for CODAP so it’s easier to find and use.)Let us know of your experience!


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