Integrating CODAP with NetLogo

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    I am a PhD student at Northwestern University working with Dr. Uri Wilensky. I am integrating CODAP in a Physics curriculum using NetLogo and seek support with two questions.
    First, I saw in your documentation on github that there is the possibility of logging user data from CODAP but there isn’t information about how to access that data through CODAP. Any additional information on user data would be much appreciated.
    Second, can CODAP be embedded on another site?


    Bill Finzer

    Hi Gabriella,

    I’m deferring your question about log data to Jonathan Sandoe who has recently been working in that area.

    Regarding embedding CODAP in another site: Yes, provided you have in mind embedding as an iFrame. There are many examples of this here. If you use the query parameter ?embeddedMode=yes in the url for the iFrame, CODAP will only display the contents of the document.

    Hope that helps,


    Jonathan Sandoe

    Hi Gabriella,

    When an instance of CODAP is started from*, user activity is logged to a Concord Consortium log server. Access to the log server is restricted. So for, to my knowledge, the data on the server has been exclusively used by Concord Consortium-affiliated researchers.

    It is possible to configure a server instance of CODAP to send log messages to another server. This entails editing of a small configuration file co-resident with the CODAP code instance on the server. (CODAP is normally accessed at, but it is open source software and zip archives of every build of CODAP are available at that are installable on any standard web server.)

    Hope this helps.


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