Map Function Picking up Airport Locations

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    Taryn Shelton

    I have Longitude and Latitude columns in my dataset, but when I open the map function, it is picking up airport locations from all over the country in addition to the Lat/Long locations in my dataset. I can highlight all of my data and click to “Hide Unselected” cases to get rid of them, but that is an extra step for students and slows free exploration.

    It was working normally a couple of days ago. I am working via a sharable link that I created, but I didn’t add any airport information. If I open a new CODAP file and paste in the data from the original Google Sheet, the map works fine.

    Bill Finzer

    Hi Taryn,

    The airport locations come in when you open the NOAA Weather plugin. You have probably closed that, but the weather station data has remained.

    You can delete the weather station day by clicking on the Tables icon which will bring up a list of datasets that are in your document. One of them should be weather stations. Next to it is a trash can icon. Click on that and confirm that you want to delete that dataset. The points should disappear from the map, but, if they don’t, try closing the map and making a new one.

    Hope that helps,


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