measures will not appear on graph of data set

CODAP Forums CODAP Help Forum measures will not appear on graph of data set

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    A student has created a dotplot of world box office amounts from a data set about characters from the Marvel Universe.

    When we try to use the “measure features” (mean, median, boxplot, standard deviation), nothing will appear.

    We speculate that the numbers in the data set are too large.

    Does anyone know why this is not working and/or a possible workaround??


    Thank you!

    Bill Finzer


    We haven’t seen this problem before. Would you mind enclosing a shared link to the CODAP document so we can check it out?

    When you plot attributes that don’t have such large values does the graph show measures as normal?

    If it turns out that it has to do with the very large values, you could create a new attribute with a formula that divides **Total World** by one billion. You could give this new attribute units, such as $B.


    I came up with a solution.

    We went to “edit attributes properties” and changed the “type” to “numeric”.  This eliminated the dollar signs and then CODAP was able to calculate all the measures.

    Also, we tried dividing the values by one billion, but we kept getting errors.  Again, it was because of dollar signs and CODAP was thinking of the data as categorical.  Changing to numeric fixed that problem as well.


    Bill Finzer

    Thanks for letting us know!

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