Opening documents

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    Andee Rubin
    3 pts

    I think it would be nice if the “open document” function defaulted to the last place I opened a document, rather than the initial screen.  Since I’m opening documents down several levels of folders on Google Drive, I’d like not to have to go through all those levels each time I close a document and open another.  Is there a way around that?

    Bill Finzer

    Hi Andee,

    Good suggestion. CODAP does take you back to the last location from which you opened, provided you do the Open from the same browser tab. But, if you open CODAP in a new tab, it doesn’t remember where you were opening from in the other tab. But, I suppose it could, using cookies or something like that.


    Andee Rubin
    3 pts

    Actually, it’s not working that way for me.  I’m in the same tab, I close the document I’m working on using the menu at upper left, then choose OPEN from the same menu and I’m back at the screen that includes Example Documents.

    Bill Finzer

    I find that if I don’t close the document but go straight to Open, I get taken to the same place.

    Clearly this area needs work!

    Andee Rubin
    3 pts

    Aha – so I should open first, then close the other one…at least for now!

    Andee Rubin
    3 pts

    I noticed something else this morning about opening documents.  I had a document open, then, without closing it, opened another one.  I expected to have both of them open at that point – but instead I had just the second one; the first one had been closed.

    Bill Finzer

    You’re right. If you want a second document, then choose New. This will open a new CODAP tab. (But I believe it will not know about your last location on Google drive. Sorry.)

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