Parent Visibility Toggle

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    I’d like to run experiments and have a graph showing the most recent sample and for that image to keep changing as I collect new samples.

    Here’s a video showing what I’m talking about.

    Or here’s the description of what I’m talking about:

    When I click the eyeball and select Show Parent Visibility Toggles and select Last, I assume it is treating the experiment as the parent since it keeps displaying everything within that experiment as I collect samples instead of just displaying the last sample I collected. I believe I want it to treat the samples as the parent so I can only see the last sample I collected, but I’m not finding a way to do this.

    So, in essence, how can I get a graph to show only the last sample collected as I either run samples or click on the sample in the table?


    My colleague is brilliant and helped me out. If I drag the sample column to the left side of the table, it displays the last sample collected.

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