How to reproduce least squares line with a plotted function

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    Hi, I have a (possibly embarrassingly simple) question. How can I reproduce the line that I added to a graph using as a least squares lines with a plotted function? I am asking in part because I want to better understand how to plot other functions, i.e., one that will fit this data well! I tried:


    f() = b + x

    f() = x

    But, these didn’t seem to do the trick. Thank you.

    Bill Finzer


    The following should work:



    Or you could create two sliders, a and b, adjusted to -5.6 and 2.39. Then you would plot

    b + a*Day or

    b + a*x

    I hope that helps,



    Thanks – that did the trick.

    Is it possible (or on the docket) to facilitate adding a line of best fit that uses a function other than a linear model (i.e., could you fit a quadratic function)?

    Thank you very much!


    Bill Finzer

    Hi Josh,

    It is possible, of course to add quadratic fitting. That starts us down a slippery slope, though, that includes polynomial fitting and exponential/logarithmic fitting. All that functionality can be pretty off-putting to non-math-geeks. So we’d have to figure out how to provide it without cluttering things up. Maybe in a plugin?!


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