Reply To: multiple data levels

Dan Damelin

HI Itai,Here is a link to a CODAP document that does what you want. To make this I:

  • imported you csv into CODAP
  • used the Transformers plugin to create a new column (time from start), and another column called volume, so that the columns headers for seconds became values in the time column, and the volume measurements were moved into a volume column.
  • I then used the Transformers plugin to make an editable copy (the first table made by the plugin was not editable)
  • Then, by dragging “treatment” to the left I grouped by that attribute.
  • I then made a subgroup by “time”
  • Then a new column that calculates the average volume per time-subgroup, which is already grouped by treatment.
  • Then made a graph, dragging “time” to the x-axis, “average vol” to the y-axis and dropping “treatment” in the middle to color the dots and chose to show lines using the ruler tool panel.