Reply To: Need Help Making Line Graphs – the "Connect" tool

Bill Finzer

Hi Stephanie,

Yes, there are ways to massage dates from the bewildering variety of formats in which they appear into formats that CODAP can deal with (without having to type them in by hand.

In the case of the Salinity data, it didn’t prove too hard, though there is one apparent CODAP bug that gets in the way. I’ve updated the CODAP document so it now shows both datasets and has some numbered instructions that came from my efforts. For convenience, here they are.

  1. Rename the two attributes.
  2. Set the first attribute Type as Date.
  3. Set the second attribute type as numeric.
  4. Delete the first case.
  5. Make the scatterplot.
  6. Note that (for some reason) the date scale only goes through 2015. With your mouse cursor on top of Oct, click and drag to the left so that the rest of the points come into view.

I’d say you’re getting a taste of what data scientists and other data folks confront every day.
