Bill Finzer

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  • Bill Finzer

    Hi Jason,

    Unfortunately the text API expects an object rather than simply a string. (Probably we should extend it to simply deal nicely with a string, too.)

    Here’s an example of a simple (sic) such object:

     "object": "value",
     "document": {
      "children": [
        "type": "paragraph",
        "children": [
          "text": This is where selected </span>${<span style="font-style: italic;">pluralize</span>(<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold;">this</span>.<span style="color: #660e7a; font-weight: bold;">targetAttributeName</span>)}<span style="color: #008000; font-weight: bold;"> appear.
      "objTypes": {
       "paragraph": "block"

    You can discern the object format at this Storybook site. I hope that helps.


    in reply to: Question about dates #6479
    Bill Finzer

    Hi Andee,

    There is a way to change the display in the case table or card however. Bring up Attribute Properties, change the type to date and then set the precision to what you want, in this case month.

    Hope that helps.


    in reply to: no puedo escribir en el TEXTO #6474
    Bill Finzer

    Según tengo entendido, puede crear un componente de texto, pero solo puede ingresar un solo carácter. No hemos oído hablar de este problema antes. ¿Qué tipo de computadora estás usando y qué navegador web?

    in reply to: Linking Google Sheet Into CODAP #6470
    Bill Finzer

    Hi Seth,

    No, there isn’t. It would be a fairly straightforward plugin to create, but none of our collaborators have prioritized (or even requested) it. You can copy data from a spreadsheet and paste into CODAP using the Import Data from Clipboard command on a case table’s or case card’s ruler menu.

    Got any programmer students up for a challenge?

    Thanks for the question,


    in reply to: Relative Frequency Histogram #6460
    Bill Finzer

    Hello and thanks for reporting this problem. I was able to reproduce the error and we should be able to fix it soon.

    I’ll also log your request for the ability to change the count scale to a relative frequency scale. This is not something currently possible in CODAP.


    in reply to: CODAP Won’t Load For Teachers #6428
    Bill Finzer

    Hi Chris,

    Do you have any reason to suspect bandwidth/connectivity issues?


    in reply to: Help with Sampler #6421
    Bill Finzer

    Hi Ryan,

    Unfortunately there is no direct control over size of sectors in the spinner. The size of a sector is determined by the number of items (as seen in the mixer) that have a given name. So, if you are looking at a spinner and click the ‘+’ icon this adds a new sector. Change its name to be the same as one of the existing sectors and that increases the size of that sector.

    in reply to: Cant open Codap #6417
    Bill Finzer


    Can you be more specific? Is the trouble with example/sample docs, a document you’ve save locally, a document saved on Google Drive? What steps lead to the problem? What exactly happens?


    in reply to: Importing data from excel #6409
    Bill Finzer


    Thanks for the questions.

    1. There is no way to import multiple sheets from excel at the same time. If you use Numbers instead of Excel, there is a shortcut for doing the importing that you may find helpful. Select the cells in a given sheet. Press the mouse down and, after a brief pause, drag from Numbers into the CODAP document and release. This is supposed to work in Excel, but I tried just now with Excel on my Mac and couldn’t get it to work. If you’re using Excel on Windows you may have better luck. If so, then this at least eliminates the exporting step.
    2. Regarding interpolation, CODAP doesn’t have a particular function for this. But I could imagine cobbling something together making use of the prev and next functions as in

      if(value=””,(prev(value)+next(value))/2, value)

      but that’s certainly not very general purpose.


    in reply to: Delete many attributes #6405
    Bill Finzer

    Hello Susanne,

    That’s a lot of attributes, so it makes sense you want students to delete them. Deleting each one separately is the most straightforward way to do this within CODAP. You, and they, may find it a bit easier to use the case card instead of the case table.

    As an alternative, import the Choosy plugin into the document containing the data using this url:

    Go to the Attributes tab of Choosy and in the gray stripe next to none press the closed eye to hide all the attributes. (See image below.) Then click the slider next to each of the attributes you wish to keep. Voilá, you’re done and can close Choosy.

    The downside of this method is that the data values of all the hidden attributes are still present in the document, just hidden. This means that the document isn’t any smaller than when you started, in contrast to the first method.

    Hope this helps,


    in reply to: menú de medida no aparece #6384
    Bill Finzer

    Para ver el menú más largo, debe arrastrar uno de los nombres de columna (atributos) a un eje del gráfico.

    in reply to: Axis questions #6379
    Bill Finzer

    Hi Andee,

    Nope. Keep these questions coming!

    • There is no interface for setting axis limits other than dragging. Sorry.
    • There is also no way to prevent CODAP from changing the axis limits when the user does certain things. In Fathom there is a way to link the axes of two or more graphs together, but we haven’t implemented that in CODAP.

    The screenshot didn’t make it for some reason. But placement of the zero can be finicky because if an axis limit is zero we want the zero to display even though there is an implementation detail that gets in the way of proper placement.


    in reply to: Multiple attributes on Y axis with categorical X axis #6376
    Bill Finzer

    The screenshot shows how to structure data so that you can get more than one “set” of values on the y-axis with a categorical attribute on the x-axis.

    Here is a link to that example document.

    Hope this helps,


    in reply to: Multiple attributes on Y axis with categorical X axis #6371
    Bill Finzer

    Hi Andee,

    CODAP supports multiple y-axis attributes for scatterplots because it is such a common use case. While I’m sure there a many situations like the one you put forward where it would be useful they just don’t come up among our audience. (You’re the first.)

    Incidentally, I couldn’t resist creating this (unsatisfactory) workaround by superimposing two graphs, the top one with a transparent background.


    in reply to: Legend bug #6370
    Bill Finzer

    Hi Andee,

    Thanks for the well-documented bug report!


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