Forum Replies Created
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHi Andee,
If you could try dragging the original CSV file for the large dataset into the document with the smaller dataset (or, better, a copy of the document with the smaller dataset). If you have not renamed any of the original attributes, nor altered the cases, it should offer to replace the data. In this process it will create and populate the missing column.
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHi Andee,
I am sorry, but I am at a loss for suggestions. It seems that CODAP itself has come to be in an inconsistent state. Its unusual, as far as I know, for document save to fail so completely. It is especially distressing when, from the screenshots, it looks like a pretty normal CODAP document.
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterInteresting. There must be something unusual about the document. I wonder: can you create a “shared link” for the document? (Upper left menu->”Share…”->”Get link to shared view”)
I expect this will fail, too, but its worth a try.
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterThis is quite mysterious. I don’t think the number of versions is the problem, nor the size of the document. Andee, have you had trouble with other CODAP documents saving to this account? Are you able to save other documents, now? Occasionally, users with multiple user accounts have had issues connected with being authenticated on the wrong account, but we have not seen many issues of this kind.
Jonathan Sandoe
Here is your document modified with, I think, the slider working as you desired:
It takes a slightly advanced use of formulas to create. You will see that the slider’s axis has been adjusted to have a range of 2-12. There are two new attributes in the case table. The first, ‘Month’, just rounds the slider value to an integer. The second uses a sequence of embedded ‘if’s to pick a column based on month. It’s a useful little trick.
Jonathan Sandoe
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHi Andee,
Regarding the lost work, Google Drive gives the user the ability to see the version history of any document. Right click on the file in Google Drive and then click on “Manage Versions”. You may be able to figure out whether the document was ever updated yesterday. One possible explanation for the disappearance of your work is that two copies of the document were open, somehow. If this happens the last version to update wins. The “manage versions” history may help with this.
Jonathan Sandoe
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHi Suzanne,
I am sorry that CODAP is not more capable in this area. Handling the comma decimal separator better has long been on our list.
You may already know this, but there is a workaround for this. It’s a bit of a hassle. You can create a new attribute that has a formula that converts the comma separators to period decimal separators. Suppose you have a column, “nums”, with numbers with comma decimal separators. You can create a new attribute, “nums1”, and attach a formula to this column like, “replaceString(nums, ‘,’, ‘.’)”. This will convert the commas to periods. If you also have period grouping in your data (like 25.000,33) things are a little more complicated. The formula would be something like this: “replaceString(replaceString(nums, ‘.’, ”), ‘,’, ‘.’)”. This removes the existing periods before changing the commas to periods.
I know this is not ideal, Susanne. We’ll see if we can move this issue up a bit on our priority list.
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHi Maggie,
Thank you for having patience with this. I promise you, sharing usually works without problems. It’s a feature that many teachers rely on. Thats why we are keen to figure this out.
Does the pop-up dialog that you see when you click on “Sharing …” look exactly like the attached image, or different somehow? If different, it would be wonderful if you could attach a screen shot of it.
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHi Maggie,
I wonder if the Chromebook configuration is somehow blocking access to the server that is managing the sharing. When you connect to the internet do you go through a proxy or use a VPN? Do you have the ability to alter the configuration or is that locked and only controllable by an admin?
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHello Maggie,
I am sorry you are having difficulty with the sharing feature of CODAP. A 3000 row dataset should be fine. I concur with Andrew that trying a different browser might help. It’s possible it’s an issue with the type of browser or computer. I am curious what you are using.
A transient server problem could have also caused the issue. Was the error occurring immediately prior to your post? Is it still occurring?
Jonathan Sandoe
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHi Susanne,
The Questionnaire tool was last worked on some time ago (2016). It was intended as a way for students to enter results of experiments. It was designed to have a sequence of two questionnaires: the first general information about the experiment, the second (which repeats in a loop), the results of each of several trials. The data that is gathered by the plugin is transferred to a CODAP dataset. There, the student can use CODAP tools to analyze the data. If this is similar to what you want to accomplish, then this tool may be useful to you.
Students could, of course, enter data directly in CODAP tables. The Questionnaire plugin is meant to provide the opportunity for a more guided experience.
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHello Daichi,
There are no specific requirements for translators. Of course, it is necessary that a translator have a good understanding of English and of the target language and it is very helpful if they are familiar with CODAP to ensure their translation fits the context. It is also helpful if there are more than one person involved in reviewing the translation, even if only one person actually performs the work.
Translators will use the online tool the Po Editor, to perform the translation. It is a nicely designed site that, I think, most of our translators have found easy to use.
Here is how the process will usually work:
- A person interested in performing a translation will get in touch with the CODAP team by email.
- We will create a project for the intended target language on the Po Editor, and arrange for the Po Editor site to send an invitation to the translator or translators.
- The translators will log into the Po Editor and translate the text elements of CODAP. There are currently about 900 total text elements to translate. Most elements are short phrases. If a translator is not sure about how to translate a particular element she or he can ask for clarification through facilities of the Po Editor. We will respond as soon as we are able.
- When it looks like most elements have been translated, we will create a trial version of CODAP that includes the translation, so the translator can verify that the translation makes sense in context. When the translator is comfortable with the result, we will incorporate the translation in the official version of CODAP.
CODAP is an open source software product, and translations are considered to be open source contributions.
Daichi, I hope this addresses your questions and gives you an idea of the scope of the undertaking. We would certainly welcome a Japanese translation. If you remain interested, please contact me at
Jonathan Sandoe
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHi Anna,
The basic idea of CORS is that the providers of a web resource should be able to control how other sites can use the resource. So, when the browser is asked for a resource that doesn’t have the same origin (server) as the requester, it first checks with the server. You can configure a server to let any origin use a resource or select origins. If you are using an Apache server and wish to let the contents of a directory be used by any origin you would create a file named ‘.htaccess’ in that directory. It should have the following line:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”
You could grant just the CODAP server this access by saying:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “”
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterHello Moise,
We would very much like to have a French version of CODAP! As you have probably noticed we have translations for several languages. Unfortunately, though, we do not have a funding source for translations. All these translations were done by volunteers. The good news is that creating a new translation is a bit tedious, but not technically difficult. We use a cloud-based translation service called Po Editor ( to localize all the CODAP. The tool is pretty easy to use and work can be done from anywhere. If you would be able to find a volunteer or team of volunteers we would be able to get you set up with accounts on the Po Editor pretty quickly.
If this is of interest to you, please do let us know. We would be happy to help get you started, and to support you through the process.
Jonathan Sandoe
Jonathan Sandoe
KeymasterThe API document says the first argument must be an attribute. “caseIndex” is a generated value, not quite a proper attribute of the case. That is probably why it is failing, though, I agree, it should be fixed.